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BattleBorn Coffee Roasters

SIX (We’ve Got It) - Guatemala - Huehuetenango Fair Trade Organic

Regular price
$17.99 USD
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Sale price
$17.99 USD

This is our signature coffee for our great military, law enforcement, firefighters, medics, first responders.  We know what you do.  We see you.  We understand the battles you, and your families,  deal with day in and day out.  We appreciate you.  We have your SIX. When you have a bag of SIX sitting on your counter, looking at the label, you’ll know you have the SIX of your family, your community, your you brew a fantastic cup of coffee to take on your shift.  

ACODIHUE is the Fair Trade and Organic certified organization that produced this coffee. The cooperative is made up of top-level associations and community committees representing the individual producers. ACODIHUE promotes respect for their specific differences, such as rural life, diversity of cultures, gender and religious beliefs.

Specifically, ACODIHUE is focused on poverty reduction and food insecurity of it's members. It contributes to projects co-financed by international and national organizations in the areas of health, education, food security, gender equity, agricultural production, and restoration/conservation of the environment.

ACODIHUE serves 16 municipalities in the department of Huehuetenango, two municipalities in San Marcos, and two in Totonicapán. Over 40,000 farmers are members of this Coop.

ACODIHUE's coffee comes from 71% of indigenous women coffee producers in the mountainous territory of Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, with an average altitude of 1,500 meters (4,920 feet) above sea level. They utilize a traditional way of processing: natural fermentation, manual selection and drying in the sun.

Tasting notes: Chocolate and pecan with mild fresh citrus flavors with mild sweetness and balanced acidity


Fair Trade Organic
Washed processed
1400-2200 meters
Variety: Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Maragogype, Pache


Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Victor Colon

Don’t hesitate, get some of this coffee, you will certainly enjoy it! So good!!

Joel Rosfeld

Can definitely tell the freshness of the coffee!

Jon Anderson
Six coffee grounds

Ill say this about battleborn coffee six. In the evening i look forward to the early morning to have my coffee . It is really good

Brittany Stewart

We love your coffee!

Mary Moorman
Coffee Lover from Indiana

New to Battleborn Coffee and love the smooth taste.
Hard to drink coffee at a restaurant now that we have gotten the “real stuff”. Keep up the great work on this.