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BattleBorn Coffee Roasters

BP101 Fundraiser - Chiapas Mexico - Fair Trade, Organic Coffee

Regular price
$18.00 USD
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Sale price
$18.00 USD

Your purchase will help dependents of fallen agents as well as our BP101Fund Scholarship Program to benefit Border Patrol spouses (101s) throughout Southern Arizona.

This roast is for our brothers and sisters in green. Many of us have spent years living on the line that separates our country and our neighbor to the south, Mexico. Whether you have spent a year or a couple decades on this border, this coffee’s for you. Our role is a little different than that of normal police. It’s what keeps things exciting. I’m proud to have worked with you, to be one of you, and to call you all brothers.

And don’t think you’re off the hook if you’re not working on “The Line”. Get some of this delicious coffee, brew it up and enjoy. While you do, remember, there are guys and gals on duty at all times, doing everything they can to make a difference.

Mexico just happens to produce some high quality, great tasting coffee. It seemed fitting to use some of their coffee beans for our BP101 Roast. This particular coffee comes from Chiapas Mexico, as always a focus on quality and flavor.

We get these beans from Cafe Imports.  Below is what they say about the CABONOCH Co-op and their relationship with them:


About this Mexico Coffee:

CABONOCH is a fair-trade certified cooperative that stands for Cafeticultores de los Bosques del Norte de Chiapas. Located in the Altos de Chiapas region of Mexico, this cooperative represents smallholder producers in the surrounding areas that are harvesting ripe cherries, processing them washed on their own organic-certified farms, and delivering their coffee in parchment form to the warehouse for purchase and approval. 

Chiapas is the southernmost region of Mexico. The mountains of this region span into bordering Guatemala and much of this tropical forest is the protected Triunfo Biosphere Reserve. This area is humid and tropical, inhabited by small communities of producers who have formed cooperatives to gain stronger representation in the coffee market. These producers take pride in their land, growing coffee organically through methods passed down from generation to generation.

This organic raw coffee is grown in ways that preserves and protects the environment, and also produces a consistent, high quality cup.

Tasting notes: cocoa, mild almond and pecan, mellow acidity and sweetness
Fair Trade, Organic
900-1800 meters
Bourbon, Typica, Mundo Novo

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